Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors has the intention adhere to the supervision of Patkol Public Company Limited under the principle of good corporate governance with integrity, transparency and accountability. It focuses on building maximum benefit to the shareholders and considering the practice on the overall stakeholders with equity. As a result, the company can increase the ability on competition and economic value to the shareholders in the long term as well. So it has designated the policy on good corporate governance better for the Board of Directors, the management and the employees to adhere to as a policy and practice as follows:
The policy of good corporate governance of the company has been approved by the Board of Director and set up the manual on the policy and guidelines on good corporate governance as follows:

1. The Board of Director, the management and all the employees have determined to apply the main principle in the good corporate governance.
2. The Board of Director, the management and all of its employees determined to apply the important principles on the good governance of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) as guidelines.
3. The Board of Director, the management and all of the employees determined to apply the practice on the principle of good corporate governance of the company, business ethics and code of conduct of the directors, the management and the employees as guidelines in the operation.
4. The Board of Director has the responsibility in taking care of reporting on finance and disclosure of the information with correctness and sufficiency according to the good guidelines and relevant criteria. 5. The Board of Director encourages participation and designation of the channel that can communication with the shareholders, the investors, the supervision agency, the stakeholders, including giving general information to the interested persons.
6. The Board of Director provided an operation for the managerial structure of the company by designating the duty and responsibility of each board of directors and the management clearly.
7. The Board of Director shall provide the system of risk management and the internal audit to be at the suitable and efficient level, including the accounting system and a report on finance with accuracy and reliability.
The company has a policy on the operations according to the good corporate governance by virtue and ethics, integrity and transparency, but has awareness of the problems on dishonesty and corruption. Meanwhile, the corruption still increases in intensity and has caused damage to the economic and social developments very much. As a result, the Thai private sector consists of the Thai Institute of Directors, The Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand, Thai Listed Companies Association, The Federation of Thai Industries, etc. have established a “Project Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption, “CAC,” which is consistent with the established policy on the business operations of the company. Thus, the meeting of the board of directors No. 1/2559 on 29 February 2016 resolved for the company to sign up to show the intention for not participation in corruption and bringing the company into the certification by the CAC membership to join the anti-corruption effort.
In order for the business operations that may have a risk on corruption, which shall be treated carefully, the company has appointed “the anti-corruption committee on 11 August 2016 to operate for such the purpose. In addition, the companies in the group have prepared “the manual on policy and guidelines on anti-corruption” with the intention for its directors, the management and all of the employees and the companies in the group to have knowledge and understanding as well as realization of their role, duty and responsibility They can adhere to it as guidelines on corruption in the various forms via the propagation through the communication channel of the company. It includes training to give knowledge and announce this intention to a third party. It has also provided for a whistleblower and measures to protect the informants. Nevertheless, this is to raise the level of country development by reducing the occurred corruption later.