Certification and Awards
Patkol’s Certification
Scope: Boiler & Pressure vessel (ASME Standard)
ISO 9001:2008
Scope: Design and Manufacture of Ice Making Machine and Pressure vessel
ISO 14001:2004
Scope: Environmental Management
OHSAS 18001 : 2007
Scope: Occupational Health and Safety Management
Patkol’s Awards
Prime Minister’s Export 1993
Scope: The category of Thai-own Design for our Ice Making Machine.
Prime Minister’s Export 2001
Scope: Thai Brand Name for our Ice Making Machine.
Outstanding Technologist Award 2004
Scope: First Thai who designed and construction Cyl. (Cylinder Ice ) Ice making machine
under the GMP standard
Prime Minister’s Industry Awards 2015
Scope: Quality Management
Best of the Best Technology Awards 2015
Scope: Machinery & Technology